Surprising Facts About Weight Loss You Need To Know

A lot of online advertisements circle largely around only two issues – how to lose weight, how not to go bald. Apparently these two are the burning issues for the current society. It makes me wonder, if only these two issues are notoriously popular, how much it should have affected a vast section of the population? A little research threw light on how many myths about weight loss are circulating giving such a wrong impression about the whole issue.

Our society through media constantly reinforces that being physically attractive is an important attribute to success and happiness. Though that is highly debatable, I have dedicated this post to understand how widely believed weight related myths are false and how weight loss actually works.

Popular myths about weight loss

Diets work only short term for weight loss. Know the right facts about weight loss.
Photo by James on Unsplash

1. Weight loss is a linear process

Many people believe that weight loss is directly proportional to the exercise and consumption pattern.

Though there are links between diet, exercise and weight loss, the whole process of shedding weight is not always linear.

If you eat less or exercise more, you will not keep losing weight steadily in a regular manner. There will be periods when you will lose weight and periods of weight gain too.

2. Supplements are the easiest way

Health and fitness industry is a huge market and the various advertisements are testimony to that. Supplements to a certain extent work. But you can never make major weight loss changes without risking your overall health. The easiest way is to be conscious of what you eat and how you eat it.

3. Food Labels are a guide to weight loss

When foods claim they are ‘fat-free‘, you think you are making a healthy choice. But there are two points to note here.

First, food labels are tricky. They do not always line up with customer expectations.

Second is, not all fats are bad fats. Our body has and needs good fats. Shunning all fats blindly does not result in weight loss. Just like weight loss myths, there are a lot of food related myths too.

4. Thin people have better health

This is a common assumption about people in general. People can carry a little extra weight and be absolutely healthy with a good metabolism. At the same time, thin people can have multiple health conditions. Real risk lies in being obese. Obesity is linked with a lot of health disorders.

5. Diets work

Diets are a short term answer to a long term question of weight loss. People who diet can gain excellent results in short term. I have personally seen people do that. But these are the people who inevitably gain weight after a few years. The lost weight always comes back, sometimes in even higher proportions. The reason for this is, while you are conscious about dieting for a short term, you do not follow the same food discipline for a long time.

6. Rapid weight loss is unhealthy

Weight loss can be slow or rapid depending on your fitness regime. Making small positive lifestyle changes like not sitting for longer hours, being conscious of your food and its effects, exercising regularly will give you a gradual fitness that may lead to lesser weight. But joining a weight loss center or opting for a weight loss surgery can make you lose weight rapidly.

For people who are obese, rapid weight loss gives a much needed motivation and positive attitude towards their body. So it is not always unhealthy if you are under the guidance of an expert professional.

7. Carbs restrict weight loss

People who want to know about weight loss think carbs are unhealthy to their weight loss process. They try to stay away from carbs. Carbs have been a part of our diet for a long time now. There are different categories of carbs.

If you stick to low carbs and high protein foods, you will lose weight.

8. Artificial sweetners are good

Widely used as a substitute for sugar, artificial sweetners are steadily gaining popularity. But did you know that even in normally healthy people, artificial sweetners can cause unnecessary weight gain, change the constitution of the gut bacteria and can lead to glucose intolerance?

9. Targeting a spot for reduction does not work

This is with respect to specific workout regimen. For example there are exercises that claim to reduce the abdominal fat. This actually does not work that way. Just like all gum chewers do not have a thin face, all such exercises do not work in favor of weight loss. Your weight loss depends on genetic factors too.

Surprising facts about weight loss


A good sleep schedule will regulate your body weight and keep you healthy. If you do not sleep well, you will notice you are more hungry than usual. That will lead to higher consumption of food which can make you gain weight.


Stress can make you gain weight by increasing your craving for carb rich foods. That is why movies show people eating chocolates or icecreams in movies when they are depressed.

Eating patterns

How you eat matters – When you eat slowly, you tend to eat less.

Your surroundings influence your eating pattern – Dim light, soothing music all influence how you eat. If you are comfortable you eat well. If you are not, you eat less. Same applies to eating alone or eating with friends. When you eat alone, you eat less and when you are with friends you inevitable eat more.

Solid weight loss rules

Know these rules about weight loss

  • Avoid trans fats
  • Sleep well
  • Eat more protein and fiber
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Food cues

In addition to all the above factors which have prove crucial for a healthy body weight, be aware of food cues. Food cues include factors such as color, lighting, smell, labels etc all related to food.

Pictures of food have the ability to create visual hunger.

That is why food companies spend millions of dollars on food advertising. Same is the psychology behind huge bill boards of pizzas or soft drinks. When you look at those pictures, you tend to visualize the shape, taste and feel of the product and want that product immediately. This is the concept of visual hunger.

Reasearch says that we seldom eat only because of hunger. We eat because of friends, celebrations or team parties. Most of the time, we do not wait till we are actually hungry. So it is important to look out for food cues.

Process of weight loss

The process of weight loss is a complicated process with no straight forward method. It is dependent on a lot of factors like

Understanding your body better will help you maintain a healthy body. Do not follow food trends of short term weight loss strategies. They might turn out to be harmful in the long run.

Make sure your regimen is apt for your bodytype. Every individual has a different metabolism rate. Do not go to extremes for the sake of weight loss. It is important to learn to about weight loss the healthy way.

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