Pregnancy is a wonderful time, full of discovery and surprises in a woman’s life. This is a period of pampering and eating a variety of foods for healthy pregnancy. In the competition between the different tastes, health cannot take a back seat. Be wise and choose foods that make you and your baby feel comfortable. Let go of other foods that might cause distress directly or indirectly.
Here are a few common foods that you should consider avoiding in your pregnancy. Instead opt for healthy foods during pregnancy.

The skin of the grape fruit contains plenty of pesticides. In its growing stage grape as a plant is prone to a lot of pest attacks than other fruits. So washing carefully does not remove the threat completely. They contain a compound called Resveratrol. This creates pancreatic disorders for the foetus.
Unripe papaya contains substance called latex which can trigger uterine contractions in pregnant women. This is especially harmful in the first trimester as it may cause miscarriage. It affects the blood-sugar level putting pregnant women in a higher risk for gestational diabetes, internal bleeding, specifically bleeding of the placenta. The same applies for semi-ripe Papaya too.
This tropical fruit is rich in bromelain (set of enzymes which help in absorbing proteins from the food we consume). This fruit weakens the cervix of a pregnant woman which may lead to pre-term labour. Also the high sugar content contains the risk of pushing borderline diabetes into gestational diabetes. Do not eat this heat inducing food, especially during the first three months.
White Foods
Wondering what this is? This umbrella contains those-that-shall-not-be-consumed in this special period of your life!
This list includes refined flour products like
- Noodles
- Pasta varieties
- All types of pizzas
- Cookies
These foods are rich in carbohydrates. They are mostly sweetened and low in nutrient value. This readily causes obesity risk in mother and baby.
Pregnant women should substitute these foods with foods for healthy pregnancy like high value carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits and sweet potatoes.
Carbohydrates have direct impact on blood sugar levels – another vital reason for pregnant women to stay away from these types of foods and opt for optimal foods for healthy pregnancy.
Yes, you heard that right!
It is important to limit coffee intake during pregnancy mainly because of the stimulant caffeine. It can easily pass via the placenta and enter the foetus’ body. Since the foetus is still developing, it takes a lot longer for the baby to process the coffee. The side effects include rising heartbeat and blood pressure.
Most people associate caffeine with only coffee. But the truth is caffeine is present in a number of foods like tea, chocolates, and coffee flavoured ice creams too!
In addition to keeping you awake at night and causing heartburns, it also hinders the ability of your body to absorb iron. During pregnancy, iron levels drop and hence taking too much caffeine can prove detrimental to the baby and you.
Fishes are a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids and generally great foods for healthy pregnancy. But with mercury poisoning in the fishes on the rise it is a real cause for concern in pregnant women. This mercury affects the pregnant mother and her baby.
This can cause serious side effects impacting brain and the nervous system of the baby.
So if you crave for fish, be sure to choose fishes with lesser levels of mercury like salmon.
Stay away from salted sun-dried fishes because salty foods create sodium imbalance in the body. Crabs are an alternate source of nutrition to fishes with a lot of nutrients. But check if it suits you. Never have any single type of fish or crab regularly. By taking different varieties you can keep the concerns about mercury in check.
Readymade Sauces/Pickles
Pickles are overloaded with oil and salt. Both should be avoided during the pregnancy period.
Excess salt can cause water retention if taken in the last trimester thus causing swollen legs especially ankles.
Excess oil in these type of foods can cause heartburn and uneasiness.
Ready made sauces have a lot of preservatives added in them to keep them from going stale and extend their shelf life. Some of these preservatives might have side effects unknown to the consumer.
Chicken Liver
Liver is an organ meat that contains healthy nutrients but an overdose of Vitamin A.
If consumed regularly in large quantities during pregnancy, this may pose a serious risk to the foetus by causing birth defects.
Vitamin A is present in yellow fruits and vegetables. These are foods for healthy pregnancy compared to chicken liver. Consume good foods for healthy pregnancy in regular quantities.
An alternate solution to the chicken liver is cod liver oil which is also rich in vitamin A. Eat all meat liver products moderately.
Uncooked Eggs
Uncooked eggs are not healthy for pregnant women as there is an increased risk of salmonella infection in the mother-to-be. Though it does not attack the baby directly, for the mother it might cause serious troubles like headache, nausea and stomach related problems. Since pregnancy is a very tricky period with a lot of changes happening in the mother, it is important to stay away from such risks.
Dairy Products
Consuming unpasteurised milk and milk products (like cheese) can cause an infection called Listeriosis. The bacteria Listeria causes bacterial infection. Contaminated food is the primary source of these bacteria.
We cannot detect this kind of infection immediately in the mother but it could turn out to be life threatening for the foetus if consumed while pregnant.
It is always best for pregnant women to stick to pasteurised milk (Milk that has been heated for a short while to kill bacteria). Pasteurised milk is a proven food for healthy pregnancy.
Soft Drinks
Aerated drinks or carbonated drinks fall under this category. They contain two major ingredients every pregnant woman should avoid namely caffeine and artificial sugars but of which are detrimental to the baby.
These foods are high in calories but have zero nutrients.
Intake of these foods to a large extent during pregnancy may subject the foetus to weight disorders in the later years. These kinds of drinks also diminish the mother’s calcium supply in the body which is a very essential element for the formation of the baby’s bone and teeth.
Stick to home made fruit juices that should be immediately consumed after making the juice.
Raw meat
During pregnancy, the immunity of the mother naturally comes down. During this period, it is best to stick with what you know for sure is a safe food and stop experimenting with raw or half cooked foods.
Foods like sushi or rare steak may contain bacteria which may cause food poisoning in the mother thus impacting the baby adversely.
Opt for good foods for pregnancy like well-cooked meat.
Most restaurant and street foods contain Ajinomoto. This is a common ingredient in the Chinese cuisine. It is added to enhance the taste of the dish. It also fuels the appetite of the customer. Even under normal circumstances, ajinomoto is a controversial ingredient.
It is best to stay away from this during pregnancy. It contains mono sodium glutamate commonly referred to as MSG which is believed to cause headaches and general discomfort during pregnancy. If it is present , it would be listed as an ingredient at the food label of the product.
Broiler Chicken
There are many controversial reports regarding this food.
Broiler chickens have bacteria that are immune to general antibiotics which are normally prescribed for a bacterial infection. They are fed unhealthy foods and are injected with growth hormones to render more flesh while being cooked. Such hormones may influence the mother and baby in a negative manner when consumed during pregnancy.
The risk of being poisoned by this kind of chicken is way higher than compared to other forms of meat. It is easy to catch a bug in the abdomen or end up with a urinary tract infection. There are other foods for healthy pregnancy you can choose to eat.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a popular plant known for its healing and cooling properties. A variety of skin treatments like acne and sun burn use this. Aloe juice brings down the blood glucose level in diabetic patients. But this may prove harmful for the mother when she is pregnant as her hormones are already undergoing a huge change.
Do not consume aloe juice during pregnancy. This juice causes contractions in the uterus which is highly risky during pregnancy. It is also a powerful laxative which might cause bowel irritation in pregnant women and may impact the immature digestive system of the baby.
Sprouts are a nutritious source of proteins. But the hazard for pregnant woman lies within the seed itself. Raw seeds are known to contain a bacteria called E coli which causes infection in people with weakened immunity and pregnancy being one such period, it is best to avoid sprouts. If you want to include them in your diet, it is best to cook it well so that the heat process kills the existing bacteria.
There are a variety of local street foods available in every part of the country. These foods are generally rich in salt which does not gel well with pregnancy for the side effects caused by the excess salt intake.
Another major concern with such foods is the hygiene factor.
- What oils do they use?
- Do they keep re-heating the oil?
- Is clean water being used in preparing the food?
- Is the food covered well to keep it away from dust and flies on the road?
Keeping these questions in mind, it is best to say goodbye temporarily till the end of pregnancy.
Tamarind is a sour food that packs a lot of health benefits. It is rich in flavonoids and vitamins, especially vitamin C. During the first trimester of pregnancy, avoid taking tamarind in sizeable quantities. Excess vitamin C can cause early miscarriages.
Also Tamarind helps absorb drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen more into the body generally. Avoid using such drugs in combination with tamarind. Raw tamarind though tempting during pregnancy is a big no-no.
When taken in mild quantities, tamarind can help relieve constipation which is a constant nightmare for pregnant women.
Litchi like tamarind consists of a large number of nutrients thus offering numerous health benefits. But when taken by pregnant women, it induces heat in the body leading to severe complications.
Excess consumption of this fruit can lead to internal haemorrhage.
The infection percentage is also pretty high for this fruit. It has got great sugar levels which might be give negative reaction to a pregnant women already having gestational diabetes.
It is best to avoid litchi or take the advice of a doctor if you have a special craving for this fruit.
Sesame Seeds
Foods react differently with different people and sesame falls into that category. Sesame oil is more popular than the seeds. It is popularly used to cook food.
Pregnant women should steer clear of this seed as it has heat inducing properties along the lines of pineapple and tamarind. This may cause a general imbalance in the metabolism of a pregnant woman.
For ages this food has been associated with labor. It is a powerful food for inducing labor at the later stage of pregnancy. It can shorten the labor, if the labor is prolonged. Fenugreek regulates blood sugar but causes abdominal problems in many pregnant women by hindering proper digestion. Since it contracts the uterus it is best to avoid this food during the early stages of pregnancy.
The general notion is that alcohol is definitely harmful for the baby if the mother consumes it during pregnancy. There are a lot of studies that show how alcohol impacts a baby psychologically and physiologically.
It damages the brain development of the baby when consumed in large quantities. In combination with other pregnancy medications, it might cause complications. The risk of addiction is huge.
Herbal Tea
Many people use green tea as a healthy option against coffee or plain tea. What they do not know is green tea too has caffeine and can cause the same effects as coffee in a pregnant woman. You do not know what goes into the making of these teas. So being sure about the safety of those herbs is difficult.
Herbs like parsley trigger menstruation and should not be used during pregnancy. Sage tea causes high blood pressure and might distress the baby.
The more famous chamomile tea acts as a stimulant like coffee if taken in excess. Without knowing the side effects these herbs can cause, it is not advisable to ingest them.
Locally known as Hing, this is a common ingredient in the Indian kitchen. However this is not a recommended ingredient for pregnant women. Regular intake causes headache, irritation and vomiting all of which a pregnant woman would already be battling against. It is best to go easy on this food or avoid it altogether.
It can also trigger digestive troubles and urinary tract infection.
Spicy Foods
Spicy foods accentuate morning sickness in pregnant woman. During pregnancy it is important to keep your system relaxed and healthy. Spicy foods do the opposite of that promoting indigestion and heartburns. Pregnant women should cut back on the spice levels to avoid gall bladder problems and abdominal related problems.
Moderation is highly important during pregnancy. You cannot keep consuming one particular type of food in high quantities. If you cannot completely avoid the above mentioned foods, you can try limiting their intake.
Now that you know about what food to eat and not eat, here is an artcile to cover the exercise part.
It is best to take the advise of a medical practitioner before trying any new foods during pregnancy. Also during this corona time, stay healthy and be extra careful.
Do you have any more tips to add to the list? Share it in the comments below.
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