This whole work-from-home routine demands multi-tasking at a whole new level. We all know how challenging multi- tasking can be. To get through your day like a pro, you should give your body enough wholesome nutrition. Lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep and exercising regularly are also directly linked to your energy levels. So is nutrition. When we look at sophisticated diets, it is really difficult to gather such ingredients everyday. But what if I tell you, that the high energy foods that I’m going to write about are very common in our Indian diet. Which means you will have no problem in procuring them or using them.
In Tamil there is a saying
‘Unave Marundhu‘ – Treat food as a medicine to your body.
Proper food intake is a natural cure for a lot of health complications according to ‘Nattu Maruthuvam‘. Nattu Maruthuvam is the art of healing the body naturally. There are many practitioners in that area. There are specific foods that solve the problem of depleting energy in the body. But how do you know that your body needs more energy?
What does low energy mean?
You know you are low on energy when you experience one or more of these signs.
- Lethargy
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Decreased motivation to work
- Apathy
- Tediousness to do regular activities.
Having low energy is something everyone experiences once in a while. But if you are consistently feeling low, then it is time to shake things up.
If all your lifestyle habits are normal, then the deficiency could be with your food. You should pay more attention to what you eat and how you eat it.
Focus on particularly supplementing your body with these high energy foods.
What are high energy foods?
These are foods that help you
- Become alert and focused
- Avoid the afternoon slump
- Become more active during the day
- Boost your energy level

Top 7 high energy foods
#1 Eggs
There is a reason, eggs are the preferred breakfast for a lot of people all over the world. It is a natural superfood packed with nutrition.
Eggs are rich in protein and calcium, vitamin B2 and vitamin D among other nutrients. The benefits of taking eggs vary from having improved bones, eyesight, good cholesterol but did you know that it is also an energy powerhouse that packs a punch? Consume eggs as often as possible.
#2 Cabbage
Wondering what cabbage is doing in this list? Cabbage is one of the most underrated vegetables with immense health benefits. It is rich in fibre and vitamin B. It helps in rejuvenating the gut friendly bacteria and keeps your digestion strong. Also when the doctor advises you to take more leafy greens, cabbage is a vegetable that does not come to the mind immediately. But it should.
Now roll those big leaves around your favorite fillings and make a wrap that will boost your energy level.
#3 Banana
The humble banana that is ever present in most of the Indian households is a comfort food to many, especially the elderly. The banana packs in iron, potassium,vitamins, phosphorous along with fiber.
Bananas are the preferred food before going to the gym. It is good for your heart and is a commonly used natural laxative. It is a great food to dispel afternoon sluggishness too.
In fact research suggests that bananas function the same way as tea or coffee when you are low on energy. So instead of grabbing a cup of coffee, pick up a banana!
#4 Whole grains
Whole grain foods like whole wheat, oats, brown rice etc, have a low glycemic index. They give you sustainable energy through out the day unlike some foods that give you instant energy and then let you crash when there is energy depletion in the body. (Think coffee!)
Low glycemic foods have carbohydrates which take longer to break down during digestion. So there is a gradual rise of energy over time. This is why you should include more of these foods in your diet.
#5 Spinach
Rich source of Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and an array of vitamins, spinach has many nutritional benefits. Like eggs, spinach has been taken as a highly nutritional food for a long time now. Apart from controlling blood pressure and regulating blood sugar levels, it is one of the most popular high energy foods. Spinach can be made into smoothies, soups or salads. It is also a great food that can be steamed with its nutritional value intact.
#6 Citrus fruits
You see most Hollywood movies showing people eating breakfast with orange juice? It works!
Oranges are rich in vitamin C and also helps in iron absorption which is directly related to the energy level in the body. But it is always better to consume the fruit directly instead of taking it in the form of juices. That way you can avoid the extra sugar intake.
The same applies for lemon too. Lemon is also a high energy food that can be taken as juice in the mornings. Most people take lemon in hot water early in the morning.
#7 Dry Fruits
Dry fruits are the specialty of the Mediterranean region. Common fruits include dates, dried grapes, apricots, almonds, walnuts, resins and cashews.
In India a ‘dry fruit gift pack’ is a popular gift option during celebrations.
Dry fruits are high energy foods that contain important nutrients like carotenoids, iron and potassium. Though some fruits like almonds are better known than other variety of fruits, each one has different nutritional value and an attached health benefit. So go on and munch on some of these great snacks.
They are available as salted nuts too but its better to eat them straight without any other addition.
We live in the age of fast foods and packaged foods. Every food label tells you so many things about its serving instructions and nutritional value. How do you decode it all?
That is why, when in doubt, go natural!
All the packaged food items are rich in salt, sugar or oil. You will be surprised to know how food labels can mislead you into making tricky purchasing decisions. When you lean towards natural foods, you are less likely to feel sick, bloated or suffer from indigestion. There are no harmful side effects from prolonged consumption too. It really is good for you in the long run.
So don’t wait until your body sends signals that you are low on energy. Start incorporating these foods into your regular diet and see the results for yourself.
Do you know any other similar high energy foods? Let me know!
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