7 Yoga Poses For Family That Will Give Big Benefits

Workouts are more fun when you have the right company. What better way to indulge in it than as a family. Yoga is an easy way to teach kids about focus and flexibility. This post gives you seven important yoga poses for your family, that can be followed easily.

As you might already know yoga comprises of poses ranging from simple to complicated. Each pose is accompanied by a breathing pattern and focuses on a particular part of the body. It must be done slowly with mindfulness. It is easy to practice yoga if you start it early in life. In that vein, kids should be exposed to yoga and its benefits from an early age.

If you are hesitant about where to start, here is an effective guide for you to follow. Here are some simple yoga poses for family that can be done right in your home with your loved ones.

The key is consistency.

Mastering of these steps might be easy but you should be able to practise it regularly. Only then you can work on flexibility and perfecting the asana.

Why do yoga poses with family?

  • Yoga is an activity that can truly bring families together
  • Age is not a concern for yoga
  • There is no time rush in yoga
  • Yoga connects the family in a meaningful way
  • Sessions could be an experience ranging from mindfulness, high energy or truly relaxing.

Here is an article on why you should consider yoga poses for family seriously.

Before you begin

If your family is new to these yoga poses, it is better to take it slow. Give them a proper introduction about yoga and how it is beneficial to the well being of body and mind. Let them understand that even beginners can embrace yoga.

Here are some basics to keep in mind before doing yoga poses with family.

  • Warm-up asanas are important.
  • There is no fixed pace for the postures. Avoid jerks and allow the poses to flow into each other gracefully.
  • Pick a comfortable pace and get started. Do not exert too much initially in the front and back bends.
  • And as with any physical activity, do not soldier on if you feel pain in any part of your body. Feeling the stretch of your muscles and actual pain are two different things.
  • Pregnant women and people with pre-existing medical conditions are advised to seek a consultation before yoga practice.
  • Menstruating women should take it easy during that period (pun intended!)
  • Try to ease the breathing into a comfortable rhythm. There should be no strains or grunts while doing the asanas.

Finally do your asanas with awareness about your stretches and your breathing. It enhances the actual experience. If done right, these poses make you feel highly rejuvenated.


Relaxation after completion is as important as warm-ups.

Savasana is a simple relaxation asana. Lie flat on the ground facing the ceiling with your palms also facing upwards. Close your eyes and watch your breath as you slowly inhale and exhale. Feel the rush of air filling your belly when you inhale and the swoosh of air as you breathe out. Keeping your attention on your breath is an easy tip to meditate for a few minutes.

Now that you know about warm-ups and relaxation, let us move on to the actual poses.

7 powerful yoga poses for family

1. Tadasana

This asana is called the mountain pose. It is considered as the basic asana from where all the other asanas emerge. This is the asana that lets you connect with the earth and allows you to feel the energy of the earth coursing through your body.

Tadasana or mountain pose allows to connect with the earth
Photo by yanalya at freepik

How to do it?

  • Stand erect with your feet slightly apart
  • Balance your body weight equally on both legs
  • Inhale, raise both the arms in paralell above your head, join them and stretch completely.
  • While raising the arms, simultaneously raise the legs and stand on your toes.
  • Hold the pose and relax while seeing straight
  • Exhale slowly and come back to normal position.

Benefits of Mountain Pose

Improves posture

Strengthens spine

Acts as a base for all asanas

Improves mindfulness

2. Vrikshasana

This asana is called the tree pose. It is done with your eyes open for better balance.In fact, it is one of the few asanas that is done by keeping the eyes open. It helps improve balance and is a form of meditation in the standing pose.

Vrikshasana or tree pose improves balance.
Photo by freepik

How to do it?

  • Stand straight with arms close by the body
  • Bend your left leg and keep on your right thigh
  • Find your balance
  • Inhale, take both arms upward and join them in a ‘namaskar pose’
  • Stretch your spine and stand erect. Hold the pose
  • Exhale slowly and bring your arms and legs back to the original position
  • You can repeat the same with the other leg

Benefits of Tree Pose

Full body stretch

Improves balance

Rejuvenates body and mind

3. Vajrasana

This asana is also called the thunderbolt pose. It is an easy pose but requires practice for continued sustainability. The pose is also called diamond pose. This is the only asana that can done on a full stomach.

Did you know that the Japanese Tea ceremony happens in this pose?

Vajrasana is the only asana that can be done on full stomach.
Photo by freepik

How to do it?

  • Bend your knees and sit down in the pose shown above.
  • Sit on your feet. Your feet should stretch completely with the soles turned upwards.
  • Keep your hands on your thighs
  • Sit erect, look straight and hold the pose for atleast 30 seconds

Benefits of Thunderbolt pose

Great workout for thighs, abdomen, knees and ankles.

It improves the digestive system

Strengthens the lower back

4. Bhujangasana

This asana is also called the cobra pose because it resembles the raised hood of a serpent. It is an important step in the surya namaskar.(sun salutation)

Bhujangasana is a backward bend, also known as the cobra pose.
photo by freepik

How to do it?

  • Lie on your stomach as shown in the picture.
  • Keep your legs together
  • You feet can rest completely on the ground.
  • Raise your head and torso and bend back while supporting on your elbows.
  • The elbows can be bent if you are not able to stretch them completely.
  • Hold the pose and relax

Benefits of Cobra Pose

Strengthens shoulders and neck

Improves blood circulation

Tones abdomen

Improves flexibility of lower back

5. Raja Bhujangasana

This is an advanced level of the cobra pose. This pose is known as King Cobra Pose. Try this once you are comfortable with the above said Cobra Pose.

It is an advanced verison of Bhujangasana
Photo by freepik

How to do it?

  • Follow the steps of Bhujangasana
  • Do maximum back stretch
  • Touch the tip of your toes to your head.
  • Hold the pose till you can and relax.

Benefits of the King Cobra Pose

Increases flexibility

Relieves back pain

Good workout for stomach

Tones thighs and back.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana

This pose is also called as the downward dog pose. It is also an important part of surya namaskar.

Adho Mukha Svanasana is a popular downward dog pose
photo by freepik

How to do it?

  • Stand erect with your legs together
  • Bend forward and press your palms on the ground(as shown).
  • Stretch your back and hold the pose.

Initially your toes can be as shown in the picture. But later on, you should be able to keep your feet and palms completely on the ground. This ensures you stretch completely. You can feel the strain on your calf muscles.

Benefits of downward dog pose

Relieves stress

Rejuvenates the brain

Tones arms

Strengthens the legs

7. Utkatasana

Also known as the chair pose, this pose is challenging because it is like sitting on an imaginary chair. It is best to start this for fewer seconds and then extend the time as you go on.

Utkatasana is also known as the chair pose
photo by freepik

How to do it?

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly apart.
  • Raise your arms as shown (you can also lift them up straight.)
  • Inhale, go down as you would sit on a chair
  • Your knees should be parallel and not wide.
  • Try holding the pose for as long as possible.
  • Slowly exhale and come back up to the original position.

There are many variations to this pose with differing levels of difficulty. Choose one and try doing it regularly.

Benefits of the chair pose

Good exercise for ankles, knees and lower back.

Tightens the glute muscles

Improves your sense of balance


These are the yoga poses for family that are effective for every age group. Don’t forget the warm-ups and relaxation before the asanas. Remember, good postures take time. Start slowly and increase the repititions as you go along.

In addition to distracting kids away from their phones or the television, the family yoga time also ensures that your whole family will be physically fit and mentally relaxed. Now that you know the basics, why not try this at home?

Do you know any other asanas that is suitable for families, feel free to share it.